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Debt Elimination

Accelerated Debt Elimination Plans hinge on using an account as a repository for your paychecks and as the vehicle for paying down your mortgage and other debt.

This account earns on an average higher interest rates and provides the liquidity to make payments of between $1,000 and $15,000 against your principal at periodic intervals, which is calculated by our proprietary software program.

As you deposit paychecks into the account, the debt elimination program takes into account all of your current debts, their loan structures, and strategically tells you which debts to pay off first, and when to make an additional principal payment. The faster you pay down your debt the quicker each regular payment will consist primarily of principal, thus shortening the term of the loan and saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest.

The software strategically looks at the Characteristic’s of each debt, including:
  • Amount owed
  • Length of debt
  • Interest rate
  • Calculation of Payment
  • Adjusting Rates
Create a Wealth Builder Account that:
  • 1. Pays off a mortgage in 1/3 to 1/2 the time.
  • 2. Pays off all other debt in record time.
  • 3. Builds an account that …….
    • a. Can provide a tax free retirement
    • b. Protects you & your family if you have a major illness.
    • c. Provides for your loved ones if you die.